Tuesday 11 August 2009

Cellphones. Worry beads, or Snoopy blankets?

What is it with cellphones that users, especially young women, feel the need to hold them all the time, like worry-beads, or snoopy blankets? How often will you see them walking down the street, phone clenched tightly in their hand, obviously waiting to use it, or for someone to call them. It's like an addiction. Some people need a cigarette, others a cellphone. And when using them, why not stand still? I have lost count of the number of times I have almost been walked over by someone totally unaware of my presence, as they were fixated on their phones. And don't get me started on cretins who are texting while driving. I saw another 2 this morning, bimbos who obviously felt that their driving skills were such that they could use a phone, texting away, while accelerating over our local bridge. I wish I had had a camera with me. The local bobbies "might" have done something about them.

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