Thursday 3 February 2011

Grey, corrupt, incompetent, cowardly

I am completely fed-up with this miserable, grey country, and cannot wait to leave. Roll on 21/11/2012. The latest news, about more politicians fiddling expenses, 50p for milk, I ask you, and the thought that we might have to pay compensation to criminals for denying them the right to vote. Come on, are we completely bonkers? We should be telling the European Court of Human Rights to take a long jump, or pay the compensation themselves, Unelected pillocks! And don't get me started on health and safety. God forbid, it is thought to be dangerous to leave your house in case you stumble on something. This country, and I am ashamed to admit I was born here, has turned into a grey mass of wanna-be property owners, or scroungers, or both, a haven for terrorists, scoundrels, illegal immigrants, pseudo-refugees simply here for free handouts. And our elected leaders are too cowardly to do the right thing. Leaving the EU, bringing back hanging, and chucking illegal immigrants out would be a good start. Celebrity culture dominates everything else, TV programmes are, on the whole, repeated rubbish, or moronic wallpaper, like the X-factor, or any of the soaps. How can people watch such drivel? Let me go back to the bush, where all I hear is Mother Nature, a wind-pump, and the BBC World Service.