Saturday 4 August 2007

Hanging or deportation and Ms Chakrabati

We have a major problem here in the UK, with more murders daily, knifings, and shootings, and jails full to bursting. Jails so full that scum are claiming their human rights are being infringed.
Convicts should have no rights. Theychose to ignore the rights of their victims, so have no case for bleating.
Only this morning, 14 illegal immigrants escaped from an Oxford detention centre, which means valuable Police time looking for them, when we have a major agricultural crisis going on.
We have murderers who will be out in a few years, and can murder again, yet who, in the meantime, are costing us a fortune to feed and house, and who are taking up much needed cell space.
They should be hung, or, at the very least, if they are imports, sent back to their home countries, whether they like it or not.
Nobody goes on when major trading partners, such as China or Saudi Arabia, execute criminals, when you would expect people like Ms Chakrabati to be at her most voluble. Perhaps there is no cash incentive for this woman to go on about foreign executions. I do wish she would get a life other than on the BBC every 2nd day.

Apartheid wages?

So there is no petrol or diesel to be found in South Africa, as the delivery drivers are on strike. Sounds a bit like Zimbabwe doesn't it, yet while Zimbabwe still blames the colonial oppressors, South African trade unionists are still blaming apartheid, with a rallying cry against "apartheid wages". Some 13 years since they took over, and they are still blaming apartheid. They should get a life, and see what they are doing to the country. In the meantime the South african Communist Party loses(?) huge donations, somewhere between the party treasurer, and the general secretary. Seems even communists like money, especially if it doesnt belong to them.

Friday 3 August 2007

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Naughty Brazilian Judge

So a brave/foolish judge in Brazil has declared that football (soccer to some people) is for straight folks, no homosexuals should be playing. It will be interesting to see how long he keeps his job.